The Kenyi Cichlid is a long lived freshwater fish that originates from Lake Malawi in Africa. It's a beautiful species, that can live up to 18 years in captivity, with the male and female being two distinct colors. The male is always larger, and is a vibrant orange with faint brown stripes, while the smaller female is light blue with dark blue stripes. The males reach up to 6 inches in length, and females about 4 inches.
Oscar fish can be a lot of fun to watch. They are a unique and beautiful fish. The three popular color variations are the Tiger Oscar which is black with red stripes, the Red Oscar which is black with orange or red areas and the Albino Oscar which is white with orange or red spots or stripes. They are relatively large fish, often growing to be 12 to 16 inches long. Because they can also be somewhat aggressive, it can be difficult to set up an aquarium with other fish.
Those who are looking to get started with keeping fish for a hobby should consider the Platy. It is an easy fish to take care of which is perfect for beginners. There are plenty of pet stores that can supply everything that is needed and help with instruction. The list of resources to help learn the details of maintaining an aquarium is very long. From libraries to bookstores and even other people, learning about proper care for fish and aquariums is simple.